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The Emergence and Origin of Early Societies

Within The Mediterranean From Prehistory


Robert D. Morritt




The Mediterranean is a vast inland sea created from the seismic disappearance of the vast Tethys Ocean by the largest Tsunami ever known This book traces the emergence and origin of early societies, within the Mediterranean from prehistory. Emphasis is placed on subterranean cave habitats, ancient settlements, and the Minoan Palace era. The area covered extends from Spain, to Sicily, North African Punic coastal societies to the eastern Mediterranean. Earliest Megaliths and archaeological discoveries are featured together with the reasons that caused the demise of the Minoans and subsequent incursions into their former territory from the mainland.


          The Phoenician Maritime Empire is included together with the appearance of the mysterious 'Sea Peoples'.The enigima of the Phaistos disc Included are examples of paleography and archaeological discoveries.